Lorie has been trained as an Intuitive Oracle Card Reader by well known Card Deck Creators, Collette Baron Reid, Kyle Gray, Rebecca Campbell, Denise Linn, Radleigh Valentine.

She has also been trained to do intuitive readings in Lilydale, New York. She is delighted to offer one on one readings virtually on Zoom, or in person at gift shops and antique stores.

About Lorie

For years, Lorie worked in a fast food restaurant with no courage to apply for another job. Since then she has gained confidence to rise above many challenges while listening to the soft whispers of her intuition to guide her.

She wrote about her inspiring stories with poems that came to her one night while she was asleep in her book, BeYOUtiful Rooms to Bloom Your Most Fun, Free & Fulfilling Life. (Available on Amazon)

Lorie discovered that when she looked at life as a treasure map it gave her the guidance she needed to face each challenge that appeared insurmountable. She is here to help you journey out of hardships and into a much more rewarding life.

To book an oracle card reading, email lorie.gelsheimer@gmail.com or text Lorie at 416-994-1597.


What people are saying about Lorie’s inspiring stories….

We were thrilled to have Lorie speak at Heart of Networking during our event focused on mental health.   She was the perfect choice!  Lorie delivers her story in an engaging and emotional way that draws her audience in.  We all left feeling connected to this beautiful soul.  Lorie brings the story full circle to an inspiring conclusion.  The feedback has been wonderful!  If you are looking for a memorable speaker, please consider engaging Lorie to speak to your organization.

Marlene Marco

Heart of Networking Events


“Whenever Lorie shares her stories, I get spellbound with her true tales. Keep sharing your adventures Lorie, they’re so inspiring!”

Angela Borgeest

Leader of Health and Wellness Practitioners Networking Group

“Lorie’s storytelling reveals her humanness, openness and vulnerability to those around her. This makes them feel comfortable and willing to open themselves up and consider their own stories. It sets up the environment as a healing one.”

Diana Picciottoli

Blessing Altar Facilitator

“Hearing Lorie speak about her personal struggles and the steps she took to make her world a better one is inspiring. Listening to her learn to trust her intuition inspired me to have more trust in myself.”

Colleen Johnson

Marconics Practitioner